How do I report a broken link for an eBook?
Reporting a Broken Link for an eBook at Zondervan Library
Creation Date: Jan 15, 2025
Created By: Lana Wilson
1. Click on "Advanced Search" This will direct you to WorldCat Discovery and allow you to include filters in your search.

2. Choose the correct term from the Search Index for your search.

3. I am going to choose "Title" from Search Index

4. Type the search information into the box. I am searching by title for the eBook "Mere Christianity"

5. Select eBook from Format

6. Check "Taylor University, Zondervan Library" in order to only receive back eBooks that are available from our library.

7. Click on "Search"

8. If an eBook is available, it will display. Click on "View eBook" in order to open the eBook. (Remember to search using another index term, if at first you don't succeed!).

9. If the eBook does not open, gives you an error message, or leads you to a different resource, click on "Report a broken link" that displays below the "View eBook" button.

10. Once you click on "Report a broken link" this form will display. Fill it out completely.

11. Once you have the form completed, click on "Send report"

12. This form will go directly to the correct library department, and the librarians will be able to figure out what is going on, getting it corrected as quickly as possible.
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