How can I renew Zondervan Library books?


Patrons are encouraged to renew items online.

  1. Go to My Library Account, located near the top of the page. 
  2. Enter your Taylor Username and Password into the Log in screen.
  3. This will take you to WorldCat Research Station.
  4. This screen will list all of the ZL books you have checked out (excluding Interlibrary Loan books, as those are managed in a completely different system).  To the right of each item, you will see when it is due and how many times it has been renewed.
  5. First click on the checkboxes next to the items you want to renew, then click on the Renew Items button.
  6. After clicking the button, green text will indicate how many times you have renewed this item (If there is an issue with the renewal, red text will let you know what the problem is).
  7. When finished, click on the My Account drop-down at the top right, choose Sign out, and close the browser.

Alternatively, if you are unable to renew items for any reason, please call or email the Check Out Desk at 765.998.5522 or

Additionally, you can renew items by bringing them to the Check Out Desk. 

Note: This screen also indicates the amount of any fines you may have accrued for overdue books. Please call or email the Check Out Desk at 765.998.5522 or if you have questions about your fines. 

  • Last Updated Feb 12, 2024
  • Views 42
  • Answered By Lana Wilson

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